... back to basics - going to do a bit of drawing

Open Studios left me exhausted and not knowing what to do or where to go. I've cleared it all away so the garage is back to being just my garage but I'm not inclined to be out there or do anything at the moment. The things I want to do are endless but... maybe I'm tired. Maybe I need to do something totally different for a while.
Apart from working (money work that is) all I've done lately is wander up and down my favorite beaches hunting for cowries and seaweed. 

... but tonight I got a bit mad with myself ... I got off the computer, put on some loud music and started drawing ...  
Acrylic on paper with Cornish charcoal I was given ages ago by some friends to try out. 

Seaweeds have inspired me ... time to get some bigger paper or maybe some boards prepared.

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